what chapter in tewwg does it say tea cake taught jamie how to play checkers

1937 novel past Zora Neale Hurston

Their Eyes Were Watching God

First edition

Writer Zora Neale Hurston
Country The states
Publisher J. B. Lippincott

Publication date

September 18, 1937
OCLC 46429736

Their Eyes Were is a 1937 novel by American author Zora Neale Hurston. It is considered a classic of the Harlem Renaissance,[i] and Hurston's best known work. The novel explores chief grapheme Janie Crawford's "ripening from a vibrant, but voiceless, teenage girl into a woman with her finger on the trigger of her ain destiny".[2]

Set in central and southern Florida in the early 20th century, the novel was initially poorly received. Since the late 20th century, information technology has been regarded as influential to both African-American literature and women's literature.[3] TIME included the novel in its 2005 list of the 100 all-time English language-linguistic communication novels published since 1923.[4]

Plot synopsis [edit]

Janie Crawford, an African-American woman in her forties, recounts her life starting with her sexual awakening, which she compares to a blossoming pear tree kissed by bees in leap. Around this time, Janie allows a local boy, Johnny Taylor, to osculation her, which Janie'due south grandmother, Nanny, witnesses.

As a young enslaved woman, Nanny was raped by her white enslaver, and so gave birth to a mixed-race girl she named Leafy. Though Nanny wanted a better life for her girl and even escaped her jealous mistress afterward the American Civil State of war, Leafy was afterward raped by her school teacher and became pregnant with Janie. Shortly subsequently Janie's birth, Leafy began to drink and stay out at night, eventually running away and leaving Janie with Nanny.

Nanny, having transferred her hopes for stability and opportunity from Leafy to Janie, arranges for Janie to marry Logan Killicks, an older farmer looking for a wife.[v] Withal, Killicks doesn't love Janie and wants just a domestic helper rather than a lover or partner; he thinks she doesn't practice plenty effectually the farm and considers her ungrateful. When Janie speaks to Nanny about her desire for dearest, Nanny, too, accuses Janie of being spoiled and, soon afterwards, dies.

Unhappy, disillusioned, and solitary, Janie leaves Killicks and runs off with Jody (Joe) Starks, a glib human who takes her to the all-black community of Eatonville, Florida. Starks arranges to buy more country, establishes a full general store, and is soon elected mayor of the town. However, Janie shortly realizes that Starks wants her every bit a trophy wife to reinforce his powerful position in town and to run the store, even forbidding her from taking part in the town's social life. During their xx-year marriage, he treats her as his property, criticizing her, controlling her, and physically abusing her. Finally, when Starks'due south kidney begins to fail, Janie says that he never knew her because he would not let her be gratuitous.

After Starks dies, Janie becomes financially independent through his manor. Though she is aggress with suitors, including men of means, she turns them all down until she meets a immature drifter and gambler named Vergible Woods, known as "Tea Cake". He plays the guitar for her and initially treats her with kindness and respect. Janie is hesitant because she is older and wealthy, but she somewhen falls in love with him and decides to run away with him to Jacksonville to marry. They move to Belle Glade, in the northern office of the Everglades region ("the muck"), where they discover work planting and harvesting beans. While their human relationship is volatile and sometimes vehement, Janie finally has the marriage with love that she wanted. Her image of the pear tree blossom is revived. Suddenly, the area is hit past the great 1928 Okeechobee hurricane. Tea Block is bitten by a rabid dog while saving Janie from drowning and becomes increasingly jealous and unpredictable. When he tries to shoot Janie with his pistol, she fatally shoots him with a burglarize in cocky-defense force and is charged with murder.

At the trial, Tea Cake'south blackness male friends bear witness upward to oppose her, but a group of local white women make it to support Janie. After the all-white jury acquits Janie, she gives Tea Cake a lavish funeral. Tea Cake's friends forgive her, asking her to remain in the Everglades. However, she decides to return to Eatonville. As she expected, the residents gossip nigh her when she returns to boondocks. The story ends where it started, as Janie finishes recounting her life to Pheoby.

Themes [edit]

Gender roles [edit]

The novel explores traditional gender roles and the relationship between men and women. Nanny believes that Janie should ally a human not for beloved just for "protection"[6] Janie'south commencement ii husbands, Logan Killicks and Jody Starks, both believe Janie should be divers by her marriage to them. Both men want her to be domesticated and silent. Her speech, or silence, is defined by her physical locations, nearly frequently. For example, Starks forces her silence at the store, a public—and therefore, male space at the time. He says, "... Muh wife don't know nothin' bout no speech-makin'. Ah never married her for nothin' lak dat. She'southward ah woman[,] and her place is in de domicile."[7] Janie is besides forbidden from socializing with the townspeople on the porch. Tea Cake is Janie's last husband, who treats her as more of an equal than Killicks and Starks did, past talking to her and playing checkers with her. Despite this, Tea Block does striking Janie to show his possession over her. Thus, Janie's life seems divers by her relation to domineering males.[ commendation needed ]

Masculinity and femininity [edit]

Scholars argue that, in Their Eyes Were Watching God, the role of masculinity is portrayed through the subordination and objectification of women. In a reflection of post-slavery Florida, black men are subordinate only to their white employers and adhere to white patriarchal institutions of masculinity[viii] in which women are held in a positive social regard only if they are bonny, are married, or take attained financial security via previous marriages. Black women, specifically, face greater oppression, every bit their own struggle for independence was considered counter-productive to the greater fight for equality for black Americans as a whole.[nine] Nanny explains this hierarchical construction early on to Janie when she says, "Honey, de white man is de ruler of everything...white man throw down the load and tell de nigger man to pick it up. He picks it up considering he has to, simply he doesn't tote it. He hands information technology to his womenfolks."[10]

In the volume, men view women equally an object to pursue, acquire, and control through courting, manipulation, and even physical force. Janie'southward journey for the discovery of her self-identity and independence is depicted through her pursuit of true love—her dream—through marriages to three unlike men. Each of the men she marries conforms in some manner to gender norms of the solar day. The role of femininity is portrayed through the symbolism of property, mules, and elements in nature. Women in the book are considered a trophy prize for males, to only look pretty and obey their husbands. The illustration of the Mule and Women is stated repetitively in the book and is used to represent the gender role of women. Janie'due south Nanny explained to Janie at a young age how African-American women were objectified as mules. "De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so far equally Ah can encounter."[11] Mules are typically bought and sold by farmers, usually to be used to work until exhaustion. Subsequently in the book, Janie realizes that Nanny'due south warnings were truthful when she identifies with an abused mule in Eatonville. She sees herself as a working animal with no voice, in that location for the amusement of others and at the expense of her own free volition. This identification is shown in the volume when the townspeople are laughing at the mule that Jody had eventually bought and rescued (in an attempt to dispense Janie). However, Janie doesn't laugh alongside the townspeople as she is shown to understand with the mule ("Everybody was having fun at the mule-baiting. All merely Janie") and she feels disgusted past the situation. The mule represents the feminine gender part in the story past which men suppress and degrade women who are stereotyped equally unable to think for themselves and needing abiding guidance from men. These stereotypes "get a chain on the American women, preventing them from developing individuality, and from pursuing their personal happiness"[12] and ultimately what forces them to mold into their gender part.[ commendation needed ]

Janie Crawford [edit]

Janie Crawford is the primary grapheme of Their Eyes Were Watching God. At the beginning of the story, she is described as naive, beautiful, and energetic. Notwithstanding, as the story progresses, Janie is constantly under the influence and pressure of gender norms within her romantic relationships. As she navigates each of her relationships with men, Janie ultimately loses her conviction and self-image, conforming to roles that the husbands want her to make full.[ citation needed ]

In Janie'south first relationship, she was given as a wife by Nanny at an early age and was told that love may come with matrimony but that it was non important. Even so, equally time passed, Janie was unable to beloved Logan. "She began to weep. 'Ah wants things sweet wid mah marriage lak when y'all sit under a pear tree and think.'"[11] Every bit time passed on, Logan began forcing Janie to ostend to a traditional lifestyle, telling her that he would purchase a mule for her so that she could work. Nonetheless, Janie was strong-minded and Logan made petty progress on irresolute Janie. Janie raised her voice, simply still, she remained susceptible to suppression and abuse. "You ain't got no particular place. It'due south wherever Ah need yuh. Git a move on yuh, and dat quck."[ citation needed ]

And so, in Janie's 2nd relationship, she left Logan Killicks in an try to pursue a better hereafter with her new married man, Joe Starks. Joe was the Mayor of Eatonville and achieved incredible wealth, placing Janie in a higher condition than her peers, since she was "sleeping with authorisation, seating in a higher chair". Janie believed that her life would change for the improve. Nevertheless, she was confined in the roles of a housewife and was made to be Joe's prized possession. "The male monarch's mule, and the king'southward pleasure is everything she is in that location for, nothing else".[13]

In Janie's third and last human relationship, she was able to feel true honey, on her ain terms, with her third married man Vergible "Tea Cake" Woods. Janie was older than Tea Block by nearly twelve years. He loved and treated her ameliorate than her previous husbands. While she was no longer strictly confined by the gender roles placed upon her by her previous husbands, she was even so easily influenced and manipulated by Tea Cake. Janie was forced to shoot and kill Tea Block in self defense subsequently he developed rabies.[ citation needed ]

Logan Killicks [edit]

Logan Killicks is Janie's first husband. Shortly afterward Nanny observes Janie sharing her first kiss with a male child named Johnny Taylor—and therefore showing signs of puberty—she informs Janie that she was promised to Logan Killicks, a widower, from a young age for her own well-being and protection. Logan owns a farm with 60 acres of land. He grows and sells potatoes equally well as chops and delivers wood. He has ane mule to plow the fields and decides that he needs to add some other to the stable. Though Janie hopes that it will grow, there is never any gentleness or love between her and Logan. She is 15 or 16 years old when she is married off to Logan and later, she grows to resent her grandmother for selling her off, similar a slave.[14] Their matrimony is purely based on logic, work and convenience— he is a man with property and he needs a wife while Nanny is an aging woman raising her grandchild alone, and she needs to secure Janie'due south future. There is petty regard for Janie'southward happiness as Nanny believes Logan to be a good husband based on his fiscal prospects alone.[15]

Logan has traditional views on marriage. He believes that a human being should exist married to a woman, and that she should exist his property and work difficult. Everyone contributes to tending the family land. He believes Janie should work well from dawn to sunset, in the field besides equally the house, and exercise equally she is told. She is analogous to a mule or other working animal.[16] He is not an attractive human by Janie'south description of him and seems to be enlightened of this. As such, his prospects at finding a mate based on attraction and his age are slim, thus the reason for budgeted Nanny early on about an arrangement of matrimony to Janie when she comes of age.[14]

During the grade of their brief marriage, Logan attempts to subjugate Janie with his words and attempts to make her work beyond the gender roles in a typical union. He does not capeesh her streaks of independence when she refuses his commands and he uses her family unit history to try to manipulate her into being submissive to him.[8] At one indicate, he threatens to kill her for her insubordination in a desperate and final attempt to control her.[ commendation needed ]

Joe "Jody" Starks [edit]

Joe "Jody" Starks is Janie'due south second married man. He is charismatic, charming and has big plans for his future. Janie, being young and naive, is hands seduced by his efforts to convince her to leave Logan. Ultimately, Joe is successful in gaining Janie's trust and and so she joins him on his journey. Joe views Janie every bit a princess or royalty to be displayed on a pedestal. Because of her youth, inexperience, and desire to find true beloved, Jody easily controls and manipulates her into submitting to his male authority.[ improper synthesis? ]

Joe Starks is a man who is potent, organized and a natural leader. He has coin from his time working for white men and he now aims to settle in a new community made upwards of African-Americans, a place in its infancy where he tin can make a name for himself. Joe quickly establishes himself as an authoritative figure around the town which has no determined name or governance of whatever kind when he and Janie get in. With the money he has, he buys land, organizes the townsfolk, becomes the owner-operator of the general store and post office, and is eventually named Mayor of Eatonville. Joe strives for equality with white men,[17] particularly the mayor of the white town across the river from Eatonville. To attain this status he requires prissy things: the largest white house, a nice desk and chair, a gilded spitoon, and a beautiful wife. He is a larger-than-life character and during their time in Eatonville, he has grown an equally large belly and taken upwards the addiction of chewing nice cigars, both of which cement his status with the locals every bit an important homo effectually boondocks. Joe, like most of the men in the volume, believes that women are incapable of thinking and caring for themselves. He likens them to children and livestock that need constant disposed and direction. "Somebody's got to think for the women and chillen and chickens and cows. God, they sho don't think none fo themselves."[18]

Jody is a jealous man, and because of this he grows more and more possessive and controlling of Janie. He expects her to dress a certain way (ownership her the finest of clothes, with tight corsets) and requires that she vesture her long, beautiful hair—symbolic of her costless spirit and femininity— covered and up in a bun, so as non to attract too much unwanted attending from the other men in Eatonville. He considers her long pilus to exist for his enjoyment alone.[nineteen] [20] He excludes her from diverse events and the social gatherings in Eatonville to farther his dominance and control over her. He restricts her from being friendly with the other townswomen, requiring her to behave in a separate and superior manner.[21]

Vergible "Tea Cake" Forest [edit]

Tea Block is Janie'south third and concluding husband. He is her ideal partner in her search for true beloved. He is charismatic, charming, funny, and creative with a trend to embellish stories. To Janie, he is larger than life, wise, and genuinely cares for her. Tea Block is loving towards Janie and respectful of her every bit her own individual person. Unlike her previous two marriages, Tea Block never stops trying to make her happy. He is more than willing to share with her what he has learned from his own experiences and show her the greater world outside of her own existence. He enjoys being with Janie and playing the role of a teacher. Through Tea Cake, Janie learns to shoot a rifle, play checkers, and fish amid other activities.[22]

However, Tea Cake shows tendencies of patriarchal authorisation and psychological abuse towards Janie.[15] He isn't always truthful with her and shows some of the aforementioned feature traits exhibited past Joe Starks and Logan Killicks. For instance, he keeps her from working with the rest of the people down on the muck because he believes she is above mutual folk. Consequently, until Janie asserts herself with Tea Block and joins the others in working,[23] she gains a scrap of a reputation for thinking herself better than anybody else.[ citation needed ]

In a show of male potency in their human relationship, Tea Cake takes $200 from Janie without her cognition or permission and spends it on a nice guitar and a lavish political party with others around boondocks without including her in the festivities. While accounting for his spending of her money, he tells Janie that he had to pay women that he deemed unattractive $two each to keep them from the political party.[24] He so gambles the remaining amount to brand the money back and excludes her from the gambling scene. What differentiates him from Joe in this regard is that Janie regularly confronts him and he acquiesces to her demand that she non be excluded from aspects of his life.[ commendation needed ] [ improper synthesis? ]

Another tendency that Tea Cake shares with Joe is his jealousy and need to maintain some amount of control over Janie. When he overhears some other woman speaking poorly to Janie about Tea Cake and attempting to set her up with her blood brother, Tea Cake decides to take matters into his own easily. First, he discusses with Janie, a conversation he overheard between her and Mrs. Turner, a local café owner. He criticizes Mrs. Turner's appearance (like Janie, she is mixed-race) and then successfully executes an elaborate programme to ruin her institution. Finally, he slaps Janie effectually in forepart of Mrs. Turner and others to show them that he is in charge and to assert his ownership over her.[twenty]

In the end, Tea Block plays the office of hero to Janie when he saves her from drowning and being attacked past a rabid canis familiaris. Tea Block himself is bitten and eventually succumbs to the disease. Non able to remember rationally and enraged with jealousy, he physically attacks Janie and she is forced to shoot and kill Tea Cake. Therefore, she effectively ends her emotional attachment to the men in her life and the desire to seek out and realize her dream of truthful dearest.[ citation needed ]

Liberated adult female [edit]

Janie is constantly searching for her ain voice and identity throughout the novel. She is often without a vocalisation in relation to her husbands equally she volition not fight back. Janie is also run across situations that make her feel that her value equally an African-American adult female is little to none. She is seen as distinct from other women in the novel, who follow traditions and exercise not find a life independent of men. Janie's physical appeal becomes a basis of Starks and Tea Block to have jealousy and belittle her looks. Starks orders Janie to cover her long hair as other men are attracted to information technology. Similarly, Tea Cake remarks on Janie's lighter pare and her appeal to Mrs. Turner's blood brother. But Janie begins to experience liberated in her marriage with Tea Cake because he treats her as an equal and mostly does not wait downwardly on her. As a result, she loves him more than she did the other 2 spouses.[25]

Janie does not detect complete independence equally a woman until after the decease of Tea Cake. She returns to Eatonville with her pilus down and she sits on her ain porch chatting with her friend Pheoby. By the terminate of the novel, she has overcome traditional roles and cultivates an epitome of the "liberated black woman."[25]

Liberation from racial history [edit]

Janie grew upwardly nether the care of her grandmother, Nanny. Her experiences every bit a slave and freedwoman shaped the style Nanny saw the globe. She hoped to protect Janie, past forcing her to marry Logan Killicks, although he was older and not attractive. Janie followed her grandmother'south advice but found that information technology wouldn't be every bit easy to love him as Nanny had suggested. African Americans believed in union during the early on 20th century because they had been prevented from such legal protection under slavery.[26] Unhappy in her matrimony to Logan, Janie runs off with Starks and commits bigamy. After the expiry of Starks, Janie meets Tea Block and they fall in love. Her community idea he was a broke nobody and were suspicious of him. Tea Cake wasn't the perfect human, but improve than expected by the community of Eatonville.[ commendation needed ]

Liberation from domestic violence [edit]

During the early 20th century, the African-American community asked African-American women to set aside self-realization and self-affirmation values. They imposed male-dominated values and often controlled who women married.[27] Janie suffered domestic violence in her marriages with Joe Starks and Tea Cake. Starks initially seemed to be good for Janie, but later beat her several times, in an try to exert his authority over her.[28] Despite her married man's physical and emotional abuse, Janie did not complain, behavior that was canonical by the townsmen. Domestic abuse was not entirely disapproved by the African-American community, and men thought it was acceptable to control their women this way.[29] After Starks' death, Janie was freed from his abuse. Tea Cake showed his respect of her.[30] Although Tea Cake was non a perfect husband, he was the but husband of hers that gave her the adventure to love.[ commendation needed ]

Liberation from sexual norms [edit]

The early on 1900s was a time in which patriarchal ideals were accepted and seen as the norm.[31] Throughout the novel, Janie on multiple occasions suffers from these ideals. In her relationships, she is beingness ordered effectually by the homo, just she did not question it, whether in the kitchen or bedroom.[32] Janie in many ways expresses her growing distance from the sexual and social norms. After the death of Starks, Janie goes to his funeral wearing black and formal clothes. But for Tea Block's funeral, she wears workers' blue overalls, showing that she cared less for what society thought of her as she got older. In add-on, critics say that Tea Cake was the vehicle for Janie's liberation.[33] She went from working in the kitchen and indoors to working more than "manly" jobs, such as helping in the fields, line-fishing, and hunting. Tea Cake offered her a partnership; he didn't come across her every bit an object to be controlled and possessed through wedlock.[ citation needed ]

Value of women in a human relationship [edit]

Throughout the novel, Hurston vividly displays how African American women are valued, or devalued, in their marital relationships. Past doing and then, she takes the reader on a journey through Janie's life and her marriages. Janie formed her initial idea of marriage off the beautiful epitome of unity she witnessed between a pear tree and a bee. This image and expectation sets Janie up for thwarting when information technology came time to marry. From her matrimony to Logan Killicks to Tea Block, Janie was forced to acknowledge where she stood as a powerless female in her relationship.[34]

Starting with her marriage to Logan, Janie was put in a place where she was expected to prove her value with difficult work. On top of all the physical labor expected from her, Janie endured constant insults and physical beatings from her male person counterparts. Hoping for more than value, Janie decides to leave Logan and run off with Joe Starks. However, in reaction to this decision, she's merely faced with more than beating and devaluement. Joe expected her stay in the home, work in the kitchen, and when she was in public, Janie was expected to cover her hair and avoid conversation with the locals. With 1 final promise, Janie engaged in a marriage with Tea Cake, a younger man, and things finally seemed to wait upwardly for her, even though she was however expected to help in the fields and tend to her womanly duties. Overall, throughout her marriages, Janie experienced the hardships that most African American women went through at that time. From the concrete labor to the concrete beatings, Janie was presented with the life that a woman was expected to live. [See detailed statement and synopsis in Addison Gayle, Jr.'s article, "The Outsider"[35]]

Janie was able to feel like a adult female in her third marriage with Tea Cake. In her first union with Logan she was being controlled past her husband. She didn't feel like a woman in her first union. She didn't experience any love or affection either. In her second wedlock with Jody, she was able to feel independence as a woman. With Jody's death, she became in charge of the store and his property. She was able to experience freedom and an economic stable life. She learned most ownership, self determination, self ruling, and home ruling. In her last marriage with Tea Cake Janie experienced truthful love. But she also learned who she was every bit an African American woman. Throughout her marriages she learned how to value herself as a adult female, an African American woman, and a difficult working woman.

The novel is written in dialect and colloquial language that expresses it equally a story of a black woman from Southern United States. Throughout the novel, Janie serves both equally protagonist every bit well as occasional narrator, detailing the events of her life, her three marriages, and the aftermath of each, that eventually lead to her return to Eatonville. This is done with two contrasting writing styles, 1 in standard English prose when the narration is done in 3rd person, and the other making use of blackness Southern colloquial in dialogue. The theme of having a voice and beingness able to speak out is a prevalent theme throughout the novel. During her first two marriages to Logan Killicks and Joe Starks, Janie is subjugated and held under their dominion, the former comparing her to another mule to work his field and the latter keeping her in a powerless position of domesticity. Throughout both marriages she finds herself without the power to speak out or to express herself, and when she tries she is ordinarily shut downwards. This leaves her feeling like a "oestrus in the road," the isolation taking its cost until she finally confronts Joe and attacks his ego with a verbal assault against his manhood. The event this takes is that it leaves Joe resenting Janie and in issue destroys what is left of their marriage. When Janie marries Tea Cake, we see how linguistic communication affects the way Janie begins to feel most herself. The style Tea Cake speaks to her allows her to find the freedom in her own phonation and to begin to learn how to use it. Nosotros are able to see how linguistic communication helps Janie grow equally a person one time she learns that her vocalism is her power.[ citation needed ]

Race [edit]

While the novel is written virtually Blackness people in the South, it is not primarily a volume about a racist social club. Nanny is the offset character to hash out the furnishings of slavery. "Ah was born back due in slavery so it wasn't for me to fulfil my dreams of whut a woman oughta be and to do. Dat's one of de agree-backs of slavery."[36] The novel is more often than not concerned with differences inside the black community. Starks is compared to the master of a plantation, as he has a huge firm in the centre of the town. "The balance of boondocks looked like servants' quarters surrounding the 'big business firm'.[37] Starks becomes a figure of authority because he has coin and is determined to create the first blackness town. But his plans seem to result in a town where people impose their own bureaucracy. "Us talks about de white man keepin' us down! Shucks! He don't have tuh. Us keeps our ain selves downward."[38] When Janie marries Tea Block and moves to the Everglades, she becomes friendly with Mrs. Turner. This woman compliments Janie on her light skin and European features, from her mixed-race ancestry. Turner disapproves of her spousal relationship to Tea Block, equally he is darker skinned and more "African" looking.

Inspirations and influences [edit]

Maybe the strongest inspiration for Hurston's writing of Their Eyes Were Watching God was her old lover Percival Punter.[39] Hurston writes in her autobiography that the romance between Janie and Tea Block was inspired by a tumultuous dear affair. She described falling in love with the man every bit "a parachute jump".[twoscore] Similar Janie in the novel, Hurston was significantly older than her lover. Like Jody, Punter was sexually dominant and sometimes violent.[41] Hurston wrote Their Optics Were Watching God 3 weeks later on the tumultuous conclusion of her relationship with Punter. She wrote in her autobiography that she had "tried to embalm all the tenderness of [her] passion for him."[42] With this emotional inspiration, Hurston went on to paint the picture of Their Optics Were Watching God using her personal experience and research every bit a template.[ citation needed ]

In 1927, a decade before writing Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston traveled south to collect folk songs and folk tales through an anthropological research fellowship arranged by her Barnard College mentor Franz Boas.[43] The all-black Eatonville of Their Optics Were Watching God is based on the all-blackness town of the same name in which Hurston grew upward. The town's weekly announced in 1889, "Colored People of the United States: Solve the great race trouble by securing a dwelling in Eatonville, Florida, a Negro city governed by negroes."[44] The hurricane that symbolizes the climax of Hurston'south story also has an historical inspiration; in 1928, "a hurricane ravaged both coastal and inland areas of Florida, bringing torrential rains that broke the dikes of Lake Okeechobee near Belle Glade".[45] Scholars of the African diaspora note the cultural practices common to the Caribbean, Africa, and the United States in Their Eyes Were Watching God.[46]

Hurston wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God while living in Belle Glade, at the home of Harvey Poole, who, as manager of one of the local labor camps, informed her tremendously nigh bean picking, and the labors of African-Americans on the muckland. The book was likewise written while on a Guggenheim Fellowship in Haiti to enquiry Obeah practices in the West Indies.[47]

Reception [edit]

Initial reception [edit]

Hurston's political views in Their Optics Were Watching God were met with resistance from several leading Harlem Renaissance authors.

Novelist and essayist Richard Wright condemned Their Eyes Were Watching God, writing in a review for New Masses (1937):

Miss Hurston seems to have no desire whatsoever to motility in the direction of serious fiction… [She] can write; simply her prose is cloaked in that facile sensuality that has dogged Negro expression since the days of Phyllis Wheatley... Her characters eat and laugh and cry and work and impale; they swing like a pendulum eternally in that safe and narrow orbit in which America likes to see the Negro live: between laughter and tears.[48]

Ralph Ellison said the book contained a "blight of calculated burlesque."[49]

Alain Locke wrote in a review: "when volition the Negro novelist of maturity, who knows how to tell a story assuredly—which is Miss Hurston's cradle souvenir, come to grips with motive fiction and social document fiction?"[fifty]

The New Republic 'southward Otis Ferguson wrote: "it isn't that this novel is bad, but that it deserves to exist meliorate". Merely he went on to praise the work for depicting "Negro life in its naturally creative and unselfconscious grace".[51]

Not all African-American critics had negative things to say about Hurston's work. Carter G. Woodson, founder of The Journal of Negro History wrote, "Their Eyes Were Watching God is a gripping story... the author deserves great praise for the skill and effectiveness shown in the writing of this volume." The critic noted Hurston'south anthropological approach to writing, "She studied them until she thoroughly understood the working of their minds, learned to speak their language".[52]

Meanwhile, reviews of Hurston's book in the mainstream white press were largely positive, although they did not translate into meaning retail sales. Writing for The New York Times, Ralph Thompson states:

[T]he normal life of Negroes in the South today—the life with its holdovers from slave times, its social difficulties, kittenish excitements, and endless exuberances... compared to this sort of story, the ordinary narratives of Negroes in Harlem or Birmingham seem ordinary indeed."[53]

For the New York Herald Tribune, Sheila Hibben described Hurston equally writing "with her head equally with her middle" creating a "warm, vibrant touch". She praised Their Eyes Were Watching God as filled with "a flashing, gleaming riot of black people, with a limitless sense of humour, and a wild, strange sadness".[54]

New York Times critic Lucille Tompkins described Their Eyes Were Watching God, thusly: "It is nearly Negroes... merely really information technology is about every one, or at least every one who isn't so civilized that he has lost the capacity for celebrity."[55]

Rediscovery [edit]

As universities across the country developed Blackness Studies programs in the 1970s and 1980s, they created greater space for Black literature in academia. Several prominent academics, including Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Addison Gayle, Jr., established a new "Black Aesthetic" that "placed the sources of gimmicky blackness literature and culture in the communal music and oral folk tradition".[56] This new respect coupled with a growing Black feminism led by Mary Helen Washington, Audre Lorde, Alice Walker, and others, would create the space for the rediscovery of Hurston.[56]

Hurston showtime achieved a level of mainstream institutional support in the 1970s. Walker published an essay, "Looking for Zora", in Ms. mag in 1975. In that work, she described how the Black community's general rejection of Hurston was like "throwing away a genius". The National Endowment for the Humanities went on to award Robert Hemenway two grants for his work to write Hurston's biography.[57] The 1977 biography was followed in 1978 by the re-issue of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

In 1975, the Modern Language Association held a special seminar focusing on Hurston.[57] In 1981, professor Ruth Sheffey of Baltimore'due south Morgan State Academy founded the Zora Neale Hurston Club. Hurston had attended the school, then known as Morgan Academy, in 1917.[58]

In 1978, Harper and Row leased its rights to Their Eyes Were Watching God to the University of Illinois Printing. However, the printing was so profitable that Harper and Row refused to renew the leasing contract and instead reprinted its own new edition.[57] This new edition sold its full print of 75,000 in less than a month.[59]

The New York Times ' Virginia Heffernan explains that the volume's "narrative technique, which is heavy on complimentary-indirect discourse, lent itself to poststructuralist analysis".[60] With then many new disciplines especially open to the themes and content of Hurston's work, Their Eyes Were Watching God achieved growing prominence in the last several decades. Information technology is now firmly established in the literary canon.[56]

On November 5, 2019, the BBC News listed Their Eyes Were Watching God on its listing of the 100 nigh influential novels.[61]

Critical analysis [edit]

  • In Maria J. Johnson's article "'The Earth in a Jug and the Stopper in [Her] Hand': Their Optics Were Watching God as Blues Operation," she states that Hurston'southward novel takes a like construction and aesthetic to blues civilisation. Johnson also shows how the contrast of Hurston's images, such as the pleasance and pain dynamic of the bee, can be seen in songs past singers like Bessie Smith.[62]
  • The commodity "The Cognitive Construction of the Self in Hurston'south Their Eyes Were Watching God", by Patrick Due south. Bernard,[63] highlights the connection between the structure of cocky and cognition in Hurston's novel. According to Bernard, knowledge is the inner essence of an individual that embodies the idea of "thinking, seeing, speaking, and knowing", but is often adamant past 1'south exterior surround. Janie, the protagonist, uses her cognitive skills to detect her identity and throughout the novel develops her knowledge further. While Janie is living in a sexist gild, she continues to rise higher up her opposition, specifically that of her iii husbands. Bernard demonstrates that:

In a chat with Jody, Janie defends 'womenfolk,' disagreeing with the sexist claim that God made men "different" because they turn "out so smart" (lxx). When she states that men "don't know one-half every bit much as you retrieve y'all do," Jody interrupts her proverb, 'you lot getting too moufy Janie... Go fetch me de checker-board and de checkers' (lxx–71) so that he and the other men could play (Bernard ix).

The comment from Jody, Janie'southward second married man, attempts to suppress her voice and dispense her thoughts. Rather than interim submissive to Jody, Janie for a brief moment contends with Jody by telling him how men misunderstand women. Jody fears that Janie's thinking will lead to her gaining more knowledge and naturally to speaking her heed, eventually leading to Janie achieving the power of noesis to recognize and change the mistreatment and unfairness she has been receiving. Bernard proposes the thought that Jody'southward relationship with Janie represents social club's assumption that women are of limited cognition. This supposition positions women in subservient roles that limit their ways of thinking, speaking, and seeing.[ citation needed ]
In addition to bringing up Janie's relationship with Jody, Bernard emphasizes how her relationships with her other husbands influenced her cognition. He points out the fact that Logan Killicks, Janie's first married man, mistreated her by severing any beginning form of self-construction by treating her equally an infant. Bernard as well brings forth the idea that Janie'due south construction of selfhood blossoms when Tea Block, her third hubby, allows her to participate in experiences unimaginable to her. While Logan Killicks gives her no opportunity of expressing herself, Jody overpowers her expressive voice; Tea Cake allows her construction of self to mature link between self construction and noesis. Bernard's main indicate therefore is that self-construction is influenced past cognition, that is, knowing, thinking, seeing and speaking are important to the construction of self in Zora Neale Hurston's novel.[ commendation needed ]
  • In "The Hierarchy Itself: Hurston'south Their Eyes Were Watching God and the Sacrifice of Narrative Authorization," Ryan Simmons argues that Hurston made a argument against models of authority that supervene upon an oppressive system with other oppressive systems and offered an culling. By models of say-so, he means the narrative vocalism of the author and Janie's narrative voice. Hurston represented the different ideologies of Booker T. Washington and Due west. E. B. Du Bois through the characters of Logan Killicks and Joe ("Jody") Starks. Like Washington, Logan models the path of "gradual progress" that would not threaten the white-dominated sphere of power and Hurston presents his practices as a tradeoff between freedom and modest prosperity. Joe models the path advocated by Du Bois, which is one of assertion of dignity and less compromise. However, the issue shown past Joe'south eventual isolation from the community dialogue he helped institute and Janie'southward overpowering of him through a usurpation of authority, Hurston shows that the weakness with Joe'due south approach is that it mirrors that of white suppression.
Instead, Hurston introduces a tertiary way of achieving self-autonomy through Tea Block. He represents an independence from reliance on communal validation, and instead serves as a mirror for Janie to notice her narrative power. In relation to the author's narrative power, Tea Block is the epitome of a good reader, one that is receptive to the transformative message of the text. Language is the agreement and sharpening of 1'due south identity while communication comes 2nd. In Hurston'due south innovative narrative, she is attempting to fulfill the "ideal narrative", which is one that nurtures and changes both the reader and the author.[64]
  • In the article "'The Buss of Retentiveness': The Problem of Love in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God," writer Tracy L. Bealer argues that Janie's quest for her ideal form of love, as symbolized by the pear tree in bloom, is impossible within her existing sociohistorical surroundings. The forces of racial and patriarchal hierarchies atomic number 82 Tea Block, who generally treats Janie equally his intellectual and communal equal, to beat out her in order to display his authorization to their peers. Bealer asserts that the novel'due south delineation of Tea Cake, abuse and all, is intentionally clashing in order to simultaneously promote intersubjective dear and to indict racism and sexism.[65]
  • William G. Ramsey, in his commodity "The compelling ambivalence of Zora Neale Hurston'due south Their Optics Were Watching God," posits that the novel stands as an unfinished and unrealized work. He backs this claim past noting the short corporeality of time Hurston spent writing too equally statements made by Hurston in her autobiography. Ramsey besides note how the numerous contradictions inherent in the novel (Tea Block'southward treatment of Janie, Janie'southward idealization of Tea Cake, Janie'southward expectations of a utopian "pear tree" wedlock, etc.) have led to wildly different interpretations and ultimately, a richly ambivalent text.
He also suggests that Tea Cake's decease is "Hurston's vicarious revenge on Arthur Price," a onetime lover that Hurston left to pursue a research fellowship in the Caribbean area.[66]
  • In the commodity "Naming and Power in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Optics were Watching God," Sigrid Rex comments that "Naming has always been an important issue in the Afro-American tradition because of its link to the practice of power." Their names are a form of power. King too says that "Nanny teaches Janie the aforementioned lessons she learned about naming: Names are bound within the white male power construction, and the most southward black woman can hope for is to endure within them". Nanny tells Janie that names are powerful are used to take power away from people and in the book we meet thar Nanny'south name is her role in lodge and not an actual proper noun. Hurston is aware of the power that names have and she chooses to have Janie start off the book without having a name.[67]
  • In the article "Racial and sexual politics of Their Optics are Watching God from a spatial perspective", Lihua Zhao argues that Janie is a victim of racism and gender sexism which leads to her poor character attributes in a atomic number 82 black female novel. Zhao comments on the novel saying "Janie's adamant and consequent ignorance of racial spatial partitioning implies her weak black identification, the horrible damage done by racism. Her vague and brief feminist consciousness suggests the brainwash of patriarchy is so successful that it is very difficult to eliminate." Zhao states that in order to bring attention to a social political issue, we must first expose the problem in a meaningful style like how Hurston has in her novel.[68]
  • In the article "Mules and women: place and rebel—Janie'south identity quest in "Their Eyes Were Watching God'", Hongzhi Wu explores the symbolism of the mule in Hurston'southward novel claiming that it provides a deeper meaning of the external issues of racism. Wu states, "In all these beast talks they expressed their hatred of the abuses and exploitation from the white earth; their despise of their white master's ignorance and viciousness; their acclamation of the black people'due south industriousness and intelligence; and they also expressed their hope of salvation." The mule acts as a metaphor for the exploitation and mistreatment of the blackness community by the white superiority race.[69]

Adaptations for theater, moving picture and radio [edit]

  • In 1983, the graduate repertory Hilberry Theater at Wayne State Academy produced To Gleam Information technology Effectually, To Show My Polish, which is based on Their Eyes Were Watching God. The play was written by Bonnie Lee Moss Rattner and directed by Von Washington.[70] It has been produced numerous times by other companies.
  • Oprah Winfrey served equally executive producer of the made-for-Telly adaptation Their Eyes Were Watching God in 2005. Harpo Productions sponsored the picture, directed past Darnell Martin and with a screenplay written by Suzan-Lori Parks, Misan Sagay and Bobby Smith, Jr.
  • In 2011, the novel was adapted every bit a radio play for BBC World Drama, dramatized by Patricia Cumper. The play first aired on Feb xix, 2011.[71]
  • In 2012, a live radio play performance of Their Eyes Were Watching God, written past Arthur Yorinks, was recorded and broadcast to gloat the 75th anniversary of the volume'south publication.[72]

References [edit]

  1. ^ "20 Classic Novels of the Harlem Renaissance " Utica Public Library". uticapubliclibrary.org . Retrieved December xi, 2019.
  2. ^ National Endowment for the Arts website.
  3. ^ Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Zora Neale Hurston: Critical Perspectives Past and Present (New York: Amistad, 1993), p. xi.
  4. ^ "All Time 100 Novels". Time. October 16, 2005. Archived from the original on Dec 31, 2005.
  5. ^ Their Eyes Were Watching God past Zora Neale Hurston. Plot Summary, Book Notes, Summary. BookRags.com. August xviii, 2010.
  6. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: University of Illinois Press. p. 20.
  7. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: Academy of Illinois Press. p. 53.
  8. ^ a b Schnieber, Jacqueline (2017). "Negotiating Blackness Masculinity: The Blackness Liberty Struggle during the Harlem Renaissance in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God". researchgate.net.
  9. ^ Dr. Shanmugiah; Karmegavannan (March 2018). "Emergence of New African-American Woman: A Study of Zora Neale Hurston'southward Their Eyes Were Watching God" (PDF). languageinindia.com. ISSN 1930-2940.
  10. ^ Hurston, Zora Neale (2006). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: Harper Perennial Modern Classics. p. 71. ISBN978-0-06-083867-6.
  11. ^ a b Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. United states of america: University of Illinois Press. p. 24.
  12. ^ Wu, Hongzhi (May 2014). "Mules and Women: Identify and Rebel—Janie's Identity Quest in "Their Eyes Were Watching God"" (PDF). Theory and Practice in Language Studies. iv (five): 1053–1057. doi:10.4304/tpls.iv.5.1053-1057 – via Academy Publication.
  13. ^ Wu, Hongzhi (May 2014). "Mules and Women: Identity and Rebel – Janie'southward Identity Quest in "Their Optics Were Watching God"" (PDF). Theory and Practise in Language Studies. iv (5): 1053–1057. doi:10.4304/tpls.iv.v.1053-1057 – via Academy Publication.
  14. ^ a b Hurston, Zora Neale (2006). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: Harper Perennial Mod Classics. p. 89. ISBN978-0-06-083867-half-dozen.
  15. ^ a b Davidson, Camille M. (September sixteen, 2013). "What's Love Got to Do with Information technology? Examining Domestic Violence as a Public Health Issue Using 'Their Eyes Were Watching God'". Rochester, NY. SSRN 2326454.
  16. ^ Qashgari, Sawsan (June 3, 2017). "Racism, Feminism and Linguistic communication in Zora Neale Hurston'due south Their Eyes Were Watching God". Arab Globe English Journal. Rochester, NY: 37. SSRN 2980166.
  17. ^ Schnieber, Jacqueline (2017). "Negotiating Black Masculinity: The Blackness Liberty Struggle During the Harlem Renaissance in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God". researchgate.internet. p. 1.
  18. ^ Hurston, Zora Neale (2013). Their Eyes Were Watching God. The states: Harper Perennial Modern Classics. p. 71. ISBN978-0-06-083867-6.
  19. ^ Schnieber, Jacqueline (2017). "Negotiating Black Masculinity: The Blackness Freedom Struggle During the Harlem Renaissance in Hurston'south Their Eyes Were Watching God". researchgate.net. p. seven.
  20. ^ a b Qashgari; Sawsan (June iii, 2017). "Racism, Feminism and Language in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God". Rochester, NY. SSRN 2980166.
  21. ^ Hurston, Zora Neale (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. The states: HarperCollins. p. 56.
  22. ^ Hurston, Zora Neale (2006). Their Eyes Were Watching God. Harper Perennial Mod Classics. p. 130. ISBN978-0-06-083867-half dozen.
  23. ^ Hurston, Zora Neale (2006). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: Harper Perennial Modern Classics. p. 130. ISBN978-0-06-083867-6.
  24. ^ Schnieber, Jacqueline (2017). "Negotiating Black Masculinity: The Black Liberty Struggle During the Harlem Renaissance in Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God". researchgate.internet. p. 8.
  25. ^ a b Blossom, Harold (1986). Mod Critical Views: Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Chelsea Business firm Publishers. pp. 29–33, 40. ISBN978-0-87754-627-vi.
  26. ^ Rooks, Noliwe M., 1963– (2004). Ladies' Pages : African American Women's Magazines and the Culture that Fabricated Them. New Brunswick, North.J.: Rutgers University Press. ISBN9780813542522. OCLC 636443300. {{cite volume}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ Hawkes, DeLisa D. (2012–2014). "Cocky-Realization in a Restricted World: Janie'south Early Discovery in Zora Neale Hurston 'due south Their Eyes Were Watching God".
  28. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: University of Illinois Printing.
  29. ^ Patterson, Tiffany Ruddy (2005). Zora Neale Hurston : And A History Of Southern Life. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. ISBN 978-1592132904.
  30. ^ McGowan, Todd (1999). "Liberation and Domination: Their Eyes Were Watching God and the Evolution of Capitalism". MELUS. 24: 109–128.
  31. ^ "The Struggle for Women'south Equality in Blackness America :: African American History :: Articles :: Lest Nosotros Forget". lestweforget.hamptonu.edu . Retrieved April 11, 2019.
  32. ^ Zhao, Lihua (2015). "Racial and sexual politics of Their Eyes are Watching God from a spatial perspective". Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 5 (11): 2315. doi:10.17507/tpls.0511.15.
  33. ^ McGowan, Todd (1999). "Liberation and Domination: Their Eyes Were Watching God and the Evolution of Capitalism". MELUS. 24 (1): 109–128. doi:10.2307/467909. JSTOR 467909.
  34. ^ Ferguson, SallyAnn (1987). "Folkloric Men and Female Growth in Their Eyes Were Watching God". Black American Literature Forum. 21 (1/ii): 185–197. doi:ten.2307/2904428. ISSN 0148-6179. JSTOR 2904428.
  35. ^ Bloom, Harold (1986). Mod Critical Views: Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. pp. 35–46. ISBN978-0-87754-627-six.
  36. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. U.s.a.: Academy of Illinois Press. p. 21.
  37. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. USA: University of Illinois Printing. p. 58.
  38. ^ Hurston, Zora (1937). Their Eyes Were Watching God. United states of america: University of Illinois Printing. p. 48.
  39. ^ Rex. The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston. p. 25.
  40. ^ Hurston, Zora. Grit Tracks on a Road: An Autobiography. New York: J. B. Lippincott, 1942, p. 205. as cited in Bloom, Harrold. Bloom'southward Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009, p. 15.
  41. ^ Bloom, Bloom'southward Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Optics Were Watching God, p. 15.
  42. ^ Hurston, Grit Tracks on a Route, p. 188. equally cited in Blossom, Bloom'southward Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Optics Were Watching God, p. 15.
  43. ^ King, The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston. p. 7.
  44. ^ The Eatonville Speaker, 1889. cited in Lester, Neal. Understanding Their Optics Were Watching God. London: The Greenwood Press, 1999, p. 148.
  45. ^ Bloom, Bloom's Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. p. fourteen.
  46. ^ Wall, Cheryl A. Their Eyes Were Watching God – A Casebook. New York: Oxford Academy Printing, 2000. p. 6.
  47. ^ Miles, Diana. "Diana Miles on Female Identity and Rebirth". Bloom's Guides – Zora Neale Hurston'southward Their Optics Were Watching God. Edited by Harrold Bloom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009, p. 66.
  48. ^ Wright, Richard (Oct 5, 1937). "Between Laughter and Tears" (PDF). New Masses. Vol. 25, no. 2. 31 Due east 27th Street, New York City: Weekly Masses Co., Inc. pp. 22, 25. Retrieved October 14, 2021. {{cite magazine}}: CS1 maint: location (link)
  49. ^ Ellison, Ralph. Every bit cited in Burt, Daniel. The Novel 100. Checkmark Books, 2003, p. 366.
  50. ^ Locke, Alain. Opportunity, 06 01, 1938. (accessed April 18, 2012).
  51. ^ Ferguson, Otis. The New Republic, October xiii, 1937. (accessed April 18, 2012).
  52. ^ Forrest, Ethel. "Book Reviews" The Journal of Negro History. January 1, 1938. (Accessed April 12, 2012).
  53. ^ Thompson, Ralph. "Books of the Times." The New York Times. October six, 1937. accessed March 30, 2012.
  54. ^ Hibben, Sheila. "Volume Review". New York Herald Tribune, 09-26, 1937. As cited in Bloom, Bloom'southward Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. p. 16.
  55. ^ Tompkins, Lucille. "Book Review." The New York Times. September 26, 1937. As cited in King, The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston. p. 113.
  56. ^ a b c Spencer, Stephen. "On Hurston's Contribution to the Canon." Flower'south Guides – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. Edited past Harold Bloom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2009, p. 87.
  57. ^ a b c Carby, Hazel. "The Politics of Fiction, Anthropology, and the Folk: Zora Neale Hurston." Bloom's Interpretations – Zora Neale Hurston'due south Their Eyes Were Watching God. Edited by Harrold Bloom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2008, p. 23.
  58. ^ Bray, Rosemary L. "Renaissance for a Pioneer of Blackness Pride." The New York Times, 02 09, 1990.
  59. ^ Carby, Hazel. "The Politics of Fiction, Anthropology, and the Folk: Zora Neale Hurston." Flower'due south Interpretations – Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. Edited by Harrold Blossom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2008, p. 24.
  60. ^ Heffernan, Virginia. "A Woman on a Quest, via Hurston and Oprah." The New York Times. March five, 2005. (accessed April iii, 2012).
  61. ^ "100 'nigh inspiring' novels revealed by BBC Arts". BBC News. November five, 2019. Retrieved November 10, 2019. The reveal kickstarts the BBC'due south year-long celebration of literature.
  62. ^ Johnson, Maria J. "'The World in a Jug and the Stopper in [Her] Hand': Their Optics Were Watching God as Blues Operation". African American Review, 32(3) 1998: 401–414. MLA International Bibliography. EBSCO. Oct 23, 2012.
  63. ^ Bernard', Patrick (2007). "The Cerebral Construction of the Cocky in Hurston'southward Their Eyes Were Watching God". CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Civilisation. Purdue Academy. 9 (ii). doi:10.7771/1481-4374.1221.
  64. ^ Simmons, Ryan. "The Hierarchy Itself: Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and the Sacrifice of Narrative Authority". African American Review 36.2 (Summer 2002): 181–93. Print.
  65. ^ Bealer, Tracy L. (2009). ""The Buss of Memory": The Problem of Dearest in Hurston'southward Their Eyes Were Watching God". African American Review. 43 (2): 311–327. doi:ten.1353/afa.2009.0039. ISSN 1945-6182. S2CID 142149929.
  66. ^ Ramsey, William M. (1994). "The Compelling Ambiguity of Zora Neale Hurston'southward "Their Eyes Were Watching God"". The Southern Literary Journal. 27 (1): 36–fifty. ISSN 0038-4291. JSTOR 20078110.
  67. ^ https://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/modernnovel/files/2018/06/Rex-on-Hurston.pdf[ bare URL PDF ]
  68. ^ Zhao, Lihua (Nov 2015). "Racial and sexual politics of Their Eyes are Watching God from a spatial perspective". Theory and Practice in Language Studies. v (11): 2315–2319. doi:x.17507/tpls.0511.fifteen. Gale A446637387.
  69. ^ Zu, Hongzhi (May 2016). "Mules and women: identify and rebel—Janie's identity quest in "Their Eyes Were Watching God'" (PDF). Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 4 (5): 1053–1057. doi:x.4304/tpls.4.5.1053-1057. Gale A373678946.
  70. ^ "Drove: Bonnie Lee Moss Rattner Papers". as.reuther.wayne.edu. Wayne State University ArchivesSpace. Retrieved July 21, 2019.
  71. ^ "Their Eyes Were Watching God". BBC World Drama. BBC World Service. 2011. Retrieved February 20, 2011.
  72. ^ Itzkoff, Dave, "Radio Play of 'Their Eyes Were Watching God' Is Set", The New York Times, February 8, 2012 (accessed March 25, 2012).

External links [edit]

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God at Faded Page (Canada)
  • Describes Hurston's participation in the Harlem Renaissance; also summary, analysis, themes, and essays from "Their Eyes Were Watching God"
  • "Their Eyes Were Watching God": Folk Oral communication and Figurative Language


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Their_Eyes_Were_Watching_God

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